
Reporter: Wolfgang G. Wettach (Gwyndon) |
Disclaimer: Accredited Wikinews reporters do not represent the Wikimedia Foundation; they are trusted contributors whom the Wikinews community has certified for the purposes of gathering information related to Wikinews articles.
Ad Personam:
editLegal age is something reached quite some time ago. For en.Wikipedia and de.Wikipedia I've contributed some articles and edits over the years. As a journalist I've been accredited at en.wikinews and accredited at de.wikinews with original contributions (Akkreditiert).
A few details about me:
edit- Biography links me to Hondelage (near Brunswick) and Bebenhausen (near Tuebingen), two rather small places near rather historic towns.
- Working as coach and consultant with the focus on PR & marketing, and as board member at the Munich businessplan competition MBPW, where startup-companies get advice on steps beyond the first.
- Working as main editor of the online portals HogwartsOnline and TolkienOnline and FB-Pages (~40.000 original visitors per month), reviewing fantasy, fairy-tales and medieval books.
- Member of the International Arthurian Society, the society of german medievalists (Deutscher Mediävisten-Verband), the german branch of the War Resisters International, (Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft DFG-VK) and the German Green Party. Deputy spokesperson of the Baden-Württemberg branch and member of the Executive Bureau of the UEF
- Hobbies:
- Politics (US also, but mainly EU-politics)
- Religion (especially the christian ecumenical ideas as Frère Roger advocated them.)
- Fantasy (especially Tolkien and Harry Potter but also Project MyraWorld and Doctor Who.
- Wikias:
--Gwyndon (talk) 22:03, 18 March 2018 (UTC)
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