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//random functions that are useful.

function new_element (name, attributes) {
//Create element, and attributes, and optionally add to tree
// call as new_element(element name to create(string), attributes of element (object), optionally element to append as a child to) 
 if (name) {
  var elm = document.createElement(name);
 } else {
  return null;
//set attributes
 if (typeof(attributes) == "object") {
  for (var i in attributes) {
   elm.setAttribute(i, attributes[i]);
 } else {
  return null;
//attach to tree (but only if third argument given)
 if (arguments[2]) {
  var appendState = arguments[2].appendChild(elm)
  if (!appendState) {
   throw new Error("JS Error (quizPostScore-new_element): Can not find element to append new element to. (element)");
 return elm;