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genSitemap = {}; = function (titleListHTML, catListXML) {
 if (!api) {throw new Error("could not load api lib.");}
 var sm; //sitemap
 sm = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
 sm += '<urlset xmlns="" \n  xmlns:news="">';

/*   <url>
         <news:publication_date> 2006-08-14T03:30:00Z </news:publication_date>
         <news:keywords>Business, Mergers, Acquisitions</news:keywords>         

genSitemap.init1 = function () {
//entry point
 if (!api) {throw new Error("could not load api lib.");}

genSitemap.init2 = function (titleListHTML) {
 var findHref = /<a[^>h]*?href="([^"]*)"[^>]*>/g;
 var findName = /<a[^>]*?title="([^"]*)"[^>]*>/g;
 var titlesLink = [], titlesName = [], link, name;
 for (var i = 0; (link = findHref.exec(titleListHTML)) && name = findName.exec(titleListHTML); i++) {
  titlesLink[i] = link;
  titlesName[i] = name;
 if (i > 0) {
  genSitemap.getCatLinks(titlesLink, titlesName);
 else {
  throw new Error('problem geting latest pub');

genSitemap.getCatLinks = function (titlesLink, titlesName) {
 api().makeRequest({action: 'query', prop: 'categories', clprop: 'timestamp', cllimt: 'max', 'titles' titlesName}, genSitemap.combineCats).exec();
 //genSitemap.combineCats = function