So What are "Dual Global Citizens (DGC)?" [edit] [delete]

So What are "Dual Global Citizens (DGC)?"


by Burton Danet, Ph.D., Co-Founder, ABC4All

Recently "ABC4All PanAmbassador" Mr. Billy Yasin, from Accra, Ghana, one of the first to join the ABC4All Global Mentoring TEAM Project , made a series of referrals, each of which has led to cooperation/collaboration with outstanding organizations. ABC4All now cooperates/collaborates with:

The first: Center for Purposeful Living (CPL)

The second: Building a Better Future (BABF)


The history of the last of these referrals is detailed in a series of websites: start here.

Thus ABC4All and SCN have agreed to work together. The result?

Mutual exploration of "The Potential for Cultural Unity!"


Dual Global Citizens (DGC) !

DGC has NOTHING to do with the geographical location of anyone participating. If CHILDREN of the world are worth saving, then ACTION is needed NOW!

It is called, "MANDATED ACTION."

It is "What The World Needs Now!"

Please review, consider participating and then join us. Together we can make a difference and work towards a better community for all!


Burton Danet, Ph.D., Co-Founder A Better Community for All (ABC4All) Foundation of A Better Community for All (FABC), A National Heritage Foundation

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