Two children killed by carbon monoxide poisoning in Corfu

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Theodore Vouyouklais, a Greek pathologist professor, has confirmed that the two children found dead in their hotel room in the Greek village of Gouvia on Corfu were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning. The two children were found dead next to their father, Neil Shepherd, and his partner Ruth Beatson, who had fallen unconscious. They have not yet received news of the children's deaths.

The children's biological mother, Sharon Wood, has been informed and visited their bodies on Saturday, along with a man believed to be her husband.

The family was found by a cleaner on Thursday morning. The current cause of the carbon monoxide emissions is unknown, however investigators have speculated that it was due to a hot water boiler in the next room to where the four family members were sleeping. This is, as yet, an unproven theory.

