Torrential rains huge havoc on Sindh, killing several, heavy rains destroy the crops in Sindh

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

At least 10 people have died due to flooding caused by torrential rains in Sindh, Pakistan. Floodwaters swept away a railway bridge about 80 km northwest of the port city of Karachi.

Within an 18-hour spell of rain on Friday dumped up to 20 centimeters of water on the Sindh.

Torrential rains that lashed southern parts of Pakistan's Sindh a couple of days ago have inundated cultivation territories, badly affecting the crops. The crops of banana, melon, betel leaf, chilli, onion and tomato suffered huge damage from the heavy rain. Due to LBOD overflowing, there is no another system in Sindh to drain out water from the damaged crops.

