Flawed Report

It's a pity the report on mineral wealth failed to mention Afghanistan's vast unobtanium reserves.

HaroldWilson'sWar (talk)06:34, 15 June 2010

It just means we are staying past the one year deadline that Obama setup.--KDP3 (talk) 07:00, 15 June 2010 (UTC)

KDP3 (talk)07:00, 15 June 2010
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 14:55, 15 June 2010

If any1 believes that geologist just found all this mineral wealth I got some ocean front property just north of Oklahoma City. Obviously, satelite imagery found some of these deposits until we got people on the ground to go and get samples. I certainly hope we carry our share of the minerals out of Afghanistan when we finally leave. It's just like the poppy plants we allow the Taliban and Al Quieda to harvest to finance their terror activities. The U.S. and Europe pay Turkey and other countries to grow poppies to make morphine and other pain medication from the opium.Why can't we pay the Afghan farmers for their poppy plants for the same reason and take away the main source of revenue for these terrorist groups with the illicit drug trade? Who rally believes we are going to convince farmers in Afghanistan to grow corn and rice and whatever else when they have grown poppies for centuries and sell it for more than any other crop? This all makes too much common sense to do these things and the only reason's we are not doing them are for nefarious motives that are being hidden from the American people.

We say we are in Afghanistan to fight terrorism but we find maybe $3 trillion worth of mineral ore.I think we knew it was there and the secret got out somehow but now that it is let's get our money back we've spent propping up a corrupt government and I wish we would give the families that lost loved ones fighting there a share of this money, not that it would ever make up for the American lives lost. we should also start paying the Afghan farmers for their poppies so we can make medicine out of it and take it away from the Taliban.

Now Haliburton can come and actually earn their money mining this ore for us at a predetermined price that takes into account all the money they ripped us off for. I know this will never happen because it makes too much sense and actually may benefit the average American taking away the money that goes into whoever's pocket that got us into this insane destroy our country from the inside Iraq and Afghanistan policies in the first place. (talk)13:52, 15 June 2010