Thank goodness for the UN!

In this act of supreme injustice and barbarism The military leadership of the United States has demonstrated to the world that it has no contempt for the basic human rights and due process of its own members. It's encouraging to see that the United Nations has finally grown some balls and said "enough is enough". May Peace and Justice prevail.

On a lighter note:

Happy Christmas to all at Wikinews!
HaroldWilson'sWar (talk)18:17, 25 December 2010

Indeed let us pick on the high profile cases and ignore all the other violations going on in the world because it is only right to investigate the world's super power not other nations. The U.N. is a disgrace as a world order just as the League of Nations was. Let us continue wasting time with these cases that do not produce evidence of real torture and ignore 3rd world nations with whole populations being “tortured”.

Crazynomad (talk)22:40, 3 January 2011

Ignorance for the win! The UN regularly investigates low-profile violations. Incredibly, these actually tend to be (gasp!) low-profile.

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)23:46, 3 January 2011

Carrying on this argument is futile when statements, as such, reveal them selves without proper contemplation or lack of detail.

Crazynomad (talk)16:40, 4 January 2011