Comments from feedback form - "This misleading and flawed sto..."

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 07:35, 19 September 2010

This misleading and flawed story by Abbie Alford of Tulsa's Fox 23 comes as no surprise, since she serves as the mouthpiece for law enforcement in Tulsa and the surrounding area. It seems she never conducts research or verifies anything, thus any reporting by Abbie is taken with a full shaker of salt, not just a grain. Credibility wise, she is at the bottom of the heap with Tulsa's media!

White Lion's Roar06:59, 19 September 2010

This isn't actually a reply! Just wanna say HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Those dumb police deserved it! (talk)22:23, 19 September 2010