The Friction

If the right to follow Islam was revoked in the American Constitution, it would no doubt be one of the first major steps of defense against the Muslim advance upon Western Civilization, and in my opinion, a good step. Islam is religion of suppression, 'on surrenders themselves to islam'. The very essence of the religion is not at all compatible with the Western world, which has it's very roots based on individual Freedom, the seeking of knowledge and getting of justice, the right to full expression, not to mention many more. And i can tell you, almost all of these ideals are not embraced by Islam. they are poles apart. this friction between our two spheres is causing a turbulent confrontation, both now and in the future. We must defend against the rapacious advance upon us. they need to stop this jihad and settle down. Extremism is not tolerable in this world.

As for Islamics living in western societies, those who take advantage of our welfare systems, engaging in all their traditions of suppression and extravagance (like polygamy and malice toward women). these traditions are too far apart from the society they live in and should either live in an muslim country or cease trying to convert their western residences and embrace the Western society that is nurturing them.

Charidemus (talk)04:31, 29 July 2010

You're silly. You're so silly that I just can't bother pointing it all out. Keep on being silly, though. (talk)04:44, 29 July 2010