A "World-Famous" spiritual mentor, on request by a follower/disciple, for advise on how to improve the baser self replied, " not become angry...", & then what asked the follower, again the mentor replied," not become angry..." & then what asked the disciple, & yet again the spiritual mentor replied," not become angry...". OPINION: If the person in the "crime report" had,had access to this type mentorship,and had applied it to her quest for self improvement, she would not have experienced that anger- emotion outburst. A few moments/minutes of anger, but an outburst which allowed the baser human self to act irresponsibly enough to cause bodily injury/harm to another living organism. The spiritual mentor was the "PROPHET MUHAMMAD(peace be upon his now deceased but blessed soul). Many millions of individuals, although some do no practise the religion of ISLAM, successfully apply the lessons taught by the PROPHET MUHAMMAD(peace be upon his soul), to their personal quest for self- improvement. (talk)19:55, 17 June 2024