It shouldn't have to be said, but . .

It shouldn't have to be said, but . .

All this marvelous technology that we use to communicate information between ourselves is also communicating information ABOUT ourselves. More and more criminals and swindlers (as if they aren't one and the same) are learning how to gain access to that information, especially when we are broadcasting it through the air like CNN. Let's stop rushing to get the latest high-tech gadget that the manufacturers are working so hard to convince us that we just must have. I still don't have a cell phone, because I don't feel I really need one. Perhaps more of us should use that criteria before jumping on the latest band wagon. DO we really need it?

Scarabrae (talk)13:36, 30 April 2011

Good point, but i think the masses do not have self awareness nor do they care to.

Crazynomad (talk)15:50, 2 May 2011