Lakeysha? I bet she was some loud black woman, par for the course. (talk)23:01, 24 May 2011

Obviously you are an ignorant, racist person. You comment to this post is about as irrelevant as you are as a human being. (talk)18:23, 25 May 2011

Many people are inconsiderate. However, on occasion, I have found that some Black People, have even more of an attitude than others. They seem to go out of thier way to talk louder and be more rude than others. This is NOT just a racist rant. I have seen this. Can you tell me why they act this way. Perhaps they are the racists and want to bother and tick off all the white people around them. (talk)21:32, 25 May 2011

Black people racist? THIS IS UNHEARD OF! why would a race of people who were slaves have a chip on their shoulder? you sir are insane.

Crazynomad (talk)23:01, 25 May 2011

Every race has been enslaved at one time. Several for far longer than the most popular one. (talk)14:41, 7 September 2023

Obviously you are an ignorant person. You comment as if stereotypes are not at all true, then why do they exist? On average black people tend to be more crude, rude,lacking of self awareness and empathy. Now to be fair all people from all races can behave this way but it just so happens a large population of black people are like this which gives birth to this stereotype. Learn to think before your emotions shit out your mouth.

Crazynomad (talk)22:56, 25 May 2011

True, the bloody blacks always have loud mouths, walking next to each other and SHOUTING when cannot take the bush out of them. (talk) 04:47, 27 May 2011 (UTC) (talk)04:47, 27 May 2011

This is actually quite true.

People may find this racist, but they know it's true. (talk)23:00, 12 March 2012