SUE Exodus International AND Apple
I'm not Christian, I was not raised in a Christian household and even I know that homosexuality is negative. It is unsustainable, hedonistic, and contributes nothing useful to future generations of humanity. I wish the lgbtq (or whatever it is this week) movement would quit making this out to be just a problem with Christianity. People all across the world, in all times have had a natural intuitive repulsion to homosexuality. And the only exceptions they can come up with are conveniently cases where child molestation was also considered fine, i.e. ancient Rome and Greece and their practice of pederasty. Quit it already, you're not really fooling anyone. The only people who agree with you are just fed up listening to your shrill whining, and your use of government power to bully them into quiet submission.
Go ahead and censor this, like you want to censor everything else. That's all you'll ever contribute to society anyhow. That's all you're "good" for.