The Syrian protesters have no inkling of what "No-Fly' zone is all about and they never demanded it. NATO or rather the U.S. made it up, they have always used it as an excuse and a precursor to active military incursions into internal conflicts of sovereign states. This is part and parcel of a strategic scheme; the Saudi's are at it again, they plotted and prodded the Bush administration into Iraq now they are spreading weapons of deceit, falsehood and mass disinformation to get the Obama administration to do their dirty work leading from first Yugoslavia, Egypt, Libya, now Syria and then onto Iran. Manssor Arbabsiar is a Saudi mole and agent of influence and one of many henchmen and useful idiots sowing suspicion to frame Iran and draw attention away from those in the kingdom who live in a state of power and luxury not excelled by any other tyrants in the history of humankind. Only Americans are gullible enough to fall for such an obvious Machiavellian ploy.