military crash virginia-civilian apartment complex

military crash virginia-civilian apartment complex

make sure that the military unit of the crash quardrome is detached to the area site immediately.make sure all displaced are placed under the section-8 code in housing even if they do not qualify and leave as a ward of the u.s. government. make sure all casualties are taken care of without question....and last but not least.....make sure the details of this matter is made public. if you need to talk to the queen over all domain....i can be reached at this phone number 650-2182516. i have given this order and not the president of these united states of america and make sure any comments are forwarded to me..the queen./i hold self evident that this matter is on the way now athe least you can do nd i will be watching and responding to this matter. its the least you can do for these people........650-2182516. (talk)04:12, 9 April 2012