Comments from feedback form - "This is inaccurate. It's true..."

Inaccurate how? IPC recognition of these countries is completely SEPARATE from UN recognition. I know they have such recognition, but that does not mean the IPC does. It also doesn't mean the IPC will give it. You seem to be conflating completely different ideas here: Separate recognition by most world governing bodies and the Paralympics. If this ultimately matters to Micronesia countries, than they need to work with the OPC to gain recognition and send athletes.

Because which Marshallese, Chomorro, Carolinian, Chuuk, Guam based athletes are at the Paralympics? The second biggest sporting event of the year and Micronesia is completely missing but the Solomons and Tonga and Vanuatu are there.

LauraHale (talk)06:12, 3 September 2012