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Last edit: 16:58, 8 July 2010

Its almost laughable how hysterical this geopolitically motivated confrontation has become in the public sphere. The US has its panties in a bunch over Iran's adamant refusal to bow to the authority of NATO on the issue of Nuclear Technology.Trouble is, Iran isn't producing "Atomic Weapons", They're producing fuel rods for nuclear power plants, which they of course have the legal right to do under the NNPT. The real issue here is that a nuclear-powered Iran would be able to greatly increase their petroleum production market share with their domestic demand for electricity taken out of the equation. NIOC (The Iranian state-owned Oil company) would likely become the largest oil company in the world by revenue.) This makes The Oil Industry - which is comfortable with the status quo (for the past 65 years) of Saudi Arabia having the largest market share- very very nervous.

HaroldWilson'sWar (talk)19:53, 7 July 2010


KDP3 (talk)22:26, 7 July 2010


HaroldWilson'sWar (talk)22:37, 7 July 2010


A facepalm is a popular online expression referring to the physical gesture known more widely as "smiting one's brow" or "smiting one's forehead;" that is, striking one's own face in a display of exasperation. In Internet discussions, the term is used as an expression of embarrassment[1], frustration[1], disbelief, disgust or general woe.

May I inquire, what exasperates you KDP3?

HaroldWilson'sWar (talk)00:08, 8 July 2010