How did he make it all the way up to the 6th floor of the Perry-Castaneda library ?
How did he make it all the way up to the 6th floor of the Perry-Castaneda library ?
If i recall correctly, they have a security guard at the entrance, at least one who ensures that you're not leaving with books that were not checked out properly. Also, the main lobby is always full of people, so i imagine that entering the library with an assault rifle would not go unnoticed. Then, you have to make it all the way up to the 6th floor. More detail would be nice.
Jerome Potts (talk)
I don't think that guard is armed, also the library is not very busy at 8:20am.
I think the real question is what he and the police did in the 20 or so minutes between climbing the stairs to the 6th floor and ending his life. Supposedly police gave chase but did they have him pinned down for 20 minutes? Did they negotiate with him? (talk)