The problem with using soy milk is identical. America's soy beans are genetically engineered. We appear to be approaching our problems with backwards methodology.

First we need healthy mothers who can donate breast milk. That solves the milk problem. The benefit of this action gives control back to the people instead of meat and dairy associations. We are presently feeding cows instead of people.

Second we must require all GMO organisms be labeled, giving us the choice to deny or support it's existence. While GMO seems like it could be beneficial to mankind, it is progressing at a pace so fast, we have lost control. We have become Ginny pigs. --Niatniddup (talk) 15:49, 9 December 2014 (UTC)

Niatniddup (talk)15:49, 9 December 2014

Re: Niatniddup (talk) Sorry folks. It says I do not exist. I don't know enough about computers to exist. Ha ha, that's almost funny. I don't even remember how I managed to send the above reply. I'll just start clicking buttons until this message disappears.

Niatniddup (talk)16:02, 9 December 2014