It is not fully understood why survival and development is affected by cloning

It is not fully understood why survival and development is affected by cloning

Because God is trying to stop it! He is doing everything within his power to derail this godless behaviour for our own good! And if you do not stop you will soon enough feel his wrath! (talk)06:41, 5 April 2011

Shouldn't you be burning a Qur'an? (talk)16:02, 5 April 2011

I would but I'm fresh out. (talk)11:40, 6 April 2011 When you clone an animal, you take it's telomere length along with its DNA. The shortened telomeres provide a shorter life span. This can be observed in the case of Dolly, the cloned sheep.' Where is your god now? (talk)14:26, 6 April 2011