I don't generally like lawsuits like this, viewing them more as an attempt to create a "chilling effect" on the blogosphere than anything else. But in cases like this one, the guy making that video knew full well that he was libellously misrepresenting the women in question, for no purpose other than to drive pageviews (and possibly political ends, but that's secondary). He libelled someone for financial gain, and that is unacceptable.
I agree fully with Gopher, this is a textbook example of why libel and slander laws exist. I hope to see they guy fork out some serious cash.
I thought of the same thing. It's the internet; jackassery abounds. On the other hand, the guy's a jackass, so it's okay.
It's a sad day in America when a raving maniac racist gets tons of defenders and a simple freedom-loving citizen is demonized.