Could this happen in the UK/US/Europe?

Just wondering if anyone knows if the current UK/US/Europe leg. would allow same thing their?

Mickyblueshoes (talk)02:09, 31 January 2011

Considering that none of the European, nor the United States governments are dictatorships, I'd say no, unless one of them goes mad, etc. Something very unlikely.

Diego Grez return fire02:40, 31 January 2011

Historically, most (all?) of the 1930s dictatorships were elected rather complacently. I don't think any revolutions happened in western Europe, even when the dictators were pretty evil.

μ 12:03, 31 January 2011 (UTC)12:03, 31 January 2011

Also, the conditions we have here in the US or Western Nations are much better than their's. People are starving over there, we don't have people starving. The closest I would say we got to a revolution was in 2008 around the financial collaspe. (talk)11:02, 31 January 2011

There are similarities between a capitailist (so called) democracy and dictatorships, once a political party/parties are in power they pretty much dictate what happens in that country. We may have things better here but since the financial collapse the gap between rich and poor has widened, less well paid working people are struggling to make ends meet due to job losses, rising fuel, energy and food prices. It may not be the same level of poverty as many other nations who have things much worse, but it is relative poverty. Still my orginal question not really answered, theortically at a time of political unrest the western nations goverments have the power to legally shut down the internet?

Mickyblueshoes (talk)14:47, 31 January 2011