Its about time we upgrade our military, Canada depends on other countries to protect them and our current CF-18 are a peice of shit, they are crashing insantly, we need a new and better fighter aircraft, people might think we are buying these airscraft just to make us look good, well they are pretty much the best aircraft in the world and we need a better military. (talk)16:24, 8 August 2010

To those of you who are saying that this purchase is "ruining the peacekeeping face of Canada", you truly know nothing. You cannot peacekeep without sophisticated, modern weapon systems in the Air Force, Army and Navy. If you'd like to stand between to warring factions with outdated, broken weapons and equipment, go right ahead, but in order to be a successful peacekeeping force you have to be well equipped.

Also to you who said that the F-35 is from LM's "reject pile" and that the Americans (I'm assuming you are one) "rarely use" the F-35, you know even LESS! The F-35 isn't even in use ANYWHERE yet! You are truly a fool. Your F-22's haven't even been fully implemented into the USAF yet, though they are finally getting closer.

All of you liberals in Canada who think we should just leave our military dead in the water with old equipment, you go ahead and stand in a peacekeeping zone in one of our UN operation areas. If you're not behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them. (talk)07:58, 16 August 2010