Actually, If you've ever used a genuine rotary phone, 999 is much easier to accurately dial in a panic than 111. Most rotary phones would only have a stop at the end of the wheel (9) making it nearly impossible to botch. Dialing "1" three times in quick succession however it could be very east to overshoot-especially if the caller's hands were shaky - accidently dialing 2, 3 etc... Just find an old rotary phone and try it some time, You'll immediately see what I mean. (talk)10:07, 31 December 2010

Bzzzt! Wrong!

And, I'm old enough to have grown up with rotary dial. The stop is at the low-digit end. You stick your finger in, and turn the dial to the stop. The arc traversed to dial a 9 is the longest.

But, thanks for playing.

Brian McNeil / talk16:39, 31 December 2010