Texas college student found dead on campus

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Authorities have confirmed that a student at Texas State Technical College-Marshall was found dead in his on-campus room around 9am CDT yesterday.

Emergency personnel were notified and CPR was performed on the student, without success. Authorities state that foul play is not suspected. Campus police and local law enforcement are conducting a full investigation. A campus representative told media sources that the cause of death has not yet been determined.

Welcome sign for the city of Marshall, Texas

Just last year, a student at the college died from gunshot wounds he'd sustained while attending an event at a community center located on the outskirts of the city. Shortly following that incident, the school initiated a short-term controlled access plan, restricting much of the traffic into and out of the campus.

The school is one of several campuses in the TSTC system. According to a press release on the campus's web site, the student's name had not been yet released. The school is reportedly offering counseling sessions to all students throughout the week. A phone call to a campus representative made shortly before 4:00pm CDT was not immediately returned.

