Template:Internal cat
This is an internal Wikinews category
Articles should not belong to this category, nor should project pages.
This category is only for categories related to Wikinews.
Looking for articles? Try Wikinews:Archives.

editApply this to categories meant not to contain articles but instead to contain other categories.
If the category is not a target for any mainspace redirect, just call this template, then specify any other categories and interwikis for the category.
If the category is meant to be a mainspace redirect target, use {{topic cat}} with non-blank parameter nolist
and call this template with non-blank parameter nobrowse
in a usage note
(see e.g. Category:Astronauts).
— optional — if nonblank, the last line of the template text is omitted.notonly
— optional — if nonblank, the line about only-for-categories is omitted.nocat
— optional — if nonbalnk, don't category the transcluding page.
editThis is an internal Wikinews category Articles should not belong to this category, nor should project pages. Looking for articles? Try Wikinews:Archives. | |
This is an internal Wikinews category Articles should not belong to this category, nor should project pages. |
This is an internal Wikinews category Articles should not belong to this category, nor should project pages. Looking for articles? Try Wikinews:Archives. |
nobrowse , notonly
This is an internal Wikinews category Articles should not belong to this category, nor should project pages. |
editCategorizes transcluding pages in Category:Internal Wikinews organization.