Talk:Wall of Siberian tiger enclosure at San Francisco Zoo is too short
Latest comment: 17 years ago by SVTCobra in topic Diagram
i don't like this headline
editThe headline of this article belongs on fox news, not wikinews. Leave that kind of reporting to the hacks at the networks. They admitted that the wall was shorter than had been previously stated, but went out of their way not to say it was "too short"
editI know it is not to scale, but if the moat is 12 feet deep, then people should be nearly half as tall as it is deep. Right now the people look 2 feet tall. --SVTCobra 09:42, 29 December 2007 (UTC)
There is no definitive measurement for the height of the fence or of the space between the top of moat and bottom of fence (horizontal space) so effect is incomplete information on the enclosure. Every article and TV spot give different info. Can we get it corrected here?? [Sobie 1/11/09]