Talk:Slovakia's Alena Kanova defeats Sara Head, taking bronze in class 3 table tennis

Latest comment: 12 years ago by Pi zero in topic Review of revision 1610061 [Passed]

GBR v SLK for Bronze



Live!! Start Date/Time Event Status Location Start List PDF Results PDF Reports My Schedules MON 03 - 09:30 Men's Singles - Class 11 Gold Mdl Match PALOS Peter HUN vs SON Byeongjun KOR Official ExCeL N1 - Table 2 Start List Results Reports Add MON 03 - 09:30 Men's Singles- Class 11 Bronze Mdl Match PEREIRA-LEAL Pascal FRA vs OLEJARSKI Pawel POL Official ExCeL N1 - Table 4 Start List Results Reports Add Live Icon MON 03 - 10:15 Women's Singles - Cl 3 Gold Mdl Match MADER Doris AUT vs AHLQUIST Anna-Carin SWE Running ExCeL N1 - Table 1 Start List Reports Add Live Icon MON 03 - 10:15 Women's Singles - Cl 3 Bronze Mdl Match HEAD Sara GBR vs KANOVA Alena SVK Running ExCeL N1 - Table 3 Start List Reports Add

Match notes


6-1 ahead that much in first round. Every time GBR scored, big cheer. 7-1.

Swedish match in front of me for gold between Sweden and Austraia had athletes and coaches loudly cheering.

11-2 and tfinal, switch sides of court. Sweden barrackers doing loud loud cheering. This got picked up around the stadium even by poms.

GB fans then snaswered back with GB! GB! GB! for other court.

Several Slovak flags and supporters in the wheelchair seating section. Every time the Slovak did well, these came out and were waved a lot.

Slovak fans chanted their player's name.

Slovaks were really waving flags. More Slovak flags of the large variety than the GB ones.

5-11 second set so split set.

GB is louder but Slovaks have more flags.

4-7 for SLK in third set. Then 5-10. Then 5-11. Game over.

Occassional shouts of "Go Sara!" from GB fans.

0-1 SLK lead in second set then 0-2. Then 0-4.

Lots of waving of Slovak flags. Time out called. Not just Slovak flags but big ones.

In the third set, there was lots and lots of chanting loudly for GB. When Slovakia scored though, it took the wind out of GB fans sails and they went quiet at which point SLK chanting could be heard.

1-8 and then 1-9. Then 1-10.

Loud applayse when Sara scored to bring 2-10 and then another loud cheer at 3-10.

Packed house.

Slovakia win and the Slovak flahs and Slovak scarves waved around. Slovakia wins 3-11. Louder cheer for Head than Slovakia.

Sweden 11-4, 11-6 and 11-5 in straight sets. This flashed on board lots.

Review of revision 1610061 [Passed]

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