Talk:Santorum neologism spreads to Romney

Latest comment: 13 years ago by Pi zero in topic Review of revision 1404050 [Passed]



The article includes some bits previously reviewed and sourced as background material from articles listed in the Related news sect. -- Cirt (talk) 01:40, 14 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 1403884 [Not ready]


I agree with all of the suggestions by the reviewer, will begin to address this helpful advice soon. -- Cirt (talk) 02:31, 14 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Response to review

Artwork inspired by the santorum neologism phenomenon
Image: DonkeyHotey.
  1. Removed emphasis on Santorum, removed a lot of stuff from the lede.
  2. Removed early details on the santorum neologism. Trimmed size down significantly of first paragraph. Trimmed to one-sentence in the lede as descriptive background.
  3. Moved more detail of the santorum neologism further down, with the other additional info about the santorum neologism.
  4. Added some remarks by Santorum about his neologism, as suggested, above.
  5. Removed the picture (see at right as it had originally appeared in the article), no objections. ;) (File:Rick Santorum - frothy Caricature.jpg)
  6. Changed "document" to "promulgate", as was done with the prior article, no worries. ;)
  7. Trimmed a bunch of the sister links. Kept 2 only, one to Wikipedia and one to Wiktionary, which as a sister site is very informative regarding the chronological progression of the phenomenon over time.
  8. Moved the explanation of "why that definition?", up. As suggested by reviewer, moved it from the fifth paragraph, all the way up to the second paragraph.

Thanks very much for all of this advice and helpful input, I believe the article looks much better for it! -- Cirt (talk) 03:12, 14 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 1404050 [Passed]

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