Talk:Queensland state election shorts: January 30, 2012

Latest comment: 13 years ago by Pi zero in topic Review of revision 1387246 [Passed]

Regarding OR notes


As the Greens short claims OR — and requires it, otherwise it would be single-source — there should have been OR notes on the talk page. The nature of the videos, together with their explanatory captions, does corroborate the short, and after careful consideration I'm allowing it, but the OR notes should have been here. The fact that the OR notice did not contain a talk-page link, may have contributed to this oversight — if there had been a link, it would have been red. --Pi zero (talk) 06:24, 30 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

The absence of the link, along with all the other stuff I had on this weekend gone, did indead contribute to the oversight. I probably just noted the videos anyhow. --RockerballAustralia c 06:30, 30 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 1387246 [Passed]

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