Talk:Inquiry ordered into video of US troops urinating on Taliban fighters

Latest comment: 13 years ago by Cocoaguy in topic Video



From the internals of the story itself, the video has to have been pirated from Liveleak. Their terms of use appear to be more restrictive than ours; and by my understanding of WN:FU, we can't fair-use their content. --Pi zero (talk) 21:22, 12 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

My understanding of Liveleak is YouTube with balls. Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs) 21:45, 12 January 2012 (UTC)Reply
Big mistake on my part... kinda knew that it was grey area at the time. Cocoaguytalkcontribs 16:35, 13 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

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