Talk:American animator Jack Zander dies, aged 99

Latest comment: 17 years ago by Tomos in topic Similarity with Wikipedia's article

Similarity with Wikipedia's article


The earliest version of this article (posted 00:21, 20 December 2007) [1] is somewhat similar to the article on Wikipedia. See, for example, version posted on 22:47, 19 December 2007 or 08:25, 7 December 2007.

The first sentence, which characterizes the period during which he was active as "lasted from the "golden age" of theatrical animation into the 1980s," is common to both articles.

The last sentence of the main text (i.e. excluding references, etc.) is the same.

There are some differences, too. Mention to Tom and Jerry present in this article is absent from Wikipedia's article. Zander's Animation Parlour is mentioned in Wikipedia article, but not in Wikinews.

I am not sure if the similar parts are in some way copyrightable. But I just leave a note here for potential later review by others. (And there are always other possibilities such as the similarity come from a common third source that is in the public domain, or the authors are actually the same, or there was some permission granted for use that I do not notice).

See Talk:French writer Julien Gracq dies at 97‎, Talk:Sportswriter Milt Dunnell dies at 102‎, Talk:German composer Harald Genzmer dies at age 98‎ for other cases like this (they are all first posted by the same user, if I am not mistaken).

Tomos 17:00, 8 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

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