Stefan Millar to appeal Liam Aitchison murder conviction

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stefan Millar, one of the two men jailed for life last month for the murder of 16-year-old male Liam Aitchison in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, is to appeal his conviction. Submission of notice of intent to appeal has been confirmed by the Court of Appeal in Edinburgh.

Millar's solicitors are to prepare documents to back his case for appeal across the next two months. The two convicted were given until Friday to submit any plan to appeal. It is not yet known when Millar's appeal hearing would commence.

Millar and Jonathan MacKinnon, each aged 22, pled not guilty to the November 23, 2011 murder of Liam Aitchison but were both found guilty on June 3. They were both sentenced on June 28 to life imprisonment and ordered to serve at least eighteen years imprisonment before becoming eligible to apply for parole. In excess of a thousand pieces of evidence were reportedly gathered by 126 police officers, in an investigation which also involved more than 500 witnesses.

Claire Aitchison, Liam Aitchison's step-mother, had previously criticised the sentences MacKinnon and Millar were given, saying they were "getting off lightly" and that "life imprisonment should mean life".
