Statuette exhibition Legends of Oriental Folklore opens in Simferopol, Crimea

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Museum.
Image: Viktor Pinchuk.

On May 20, Legends of Oriental Folklore ((Russian): Легенды восточного фольклора), an exhibition of tiny statuettes from Russian traveler Viktor Pinchuk's collection, began at the Museum of History of the City of Simferopol, on the Crimean capital's Pushkin Street.

Over 70 statuettes of characters from Asian lore, of materials including bronze, brass, and stone, were on display as the Museum participated in the international Night of Museums.

Pinchuk acquired the items in Ho Chi Minh City during a 2020 visit to Vietnam.

Pinchuk wrote: "The concept of the project is to familiarize residents and guests of Crimea with the artistic creativity of the peoples of the Asia-Pacific region, indirectly contributing to the increase in geographical knowledge and interest in collecting." ((ru))Russian language: ‍Концепция проекта — ознакомление жителей и гостей Крыма с художественным творчеством народов Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, косвенно способствующее повышению географических знаний и интереса к коллекционированию.


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.