Russian travel writer Viktor Pinchuk recounts Near East expedition in Verkhorechye, Crimea
Friday, March 22, 2024
On January 22, Russian Wikinews attended a talk by Russian travel writer Viktor Pinchuk in Verkhorechye village, located 18 kilometers from Bakhchysarai, Crimea on his 2008 expedition to the Near East, where the main purpose was to visit Afghanistan. The event was organized with the assistance of the Crimean branch of the Russian Geographical Society.
The traveler spoke about his adventures, showed photographs (including those present at the exhibition “Afghanistan, 2008”), short videos and CDs containing cultural music from Asian countries (which he brings from each expedition, being a philophonist), and answered guests' questions. When speaking about the results of his trip, he mentioned that 25 articles had been published in the press, as well as a further two for Russian Wikinews.
At the end of the event, there was a presentation of the book "Afghan Prisoner", created in the genre of a travel essay, where the author follows the traditions of cultural travel.
Ksenia Osmanova, chairman of the Bakhchysarai local branch of the Russian Geographical Society and organizer of the event, described the traveler and his activities: "In the 21st century, the actions of most of society are driven by material interests, and industrial tycoons and bankers serve as role models. However, in our era of mercantile relations, there are people “from a different cloth” - as if lost in time, somewhat similar to literary characters of the era of romanticism, they consistently and straightforwardly carry out their mission. A living example is Viktor Pinchuk, who has traveled to dozens of countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania. Based on materials from one of his expeditions, where the main goal was to visit Afghanistan, the Russian traveler wrote and published a book, held a personal photo exhibition, and published 25 articles in the press; in general, his contribution to culture and art amounts to hundreds of realized ideas." ((ru))Russian language: В XXI веке поступками большей части общества движет материальный интерес, а образцом для подражания служат промышленные магнаты и банкиры. Однако встречаются в нашу эру меркантильных отношений люди «из другого теста» — словно заблудившись во времени, чем-то похожие на литературных персонажей эпохи романтизма, они последовательно и прямолинейно выполняют взятую на себя миссию. Живой пример — Виктор Пинчук, объехавший десятки стран Африки, Азии, Латинской Америки и Океании. По материалам одной из своих экспедиций, где основной целью было посещение Афганистана, российский путешественник написал и издал книгу, провел персональную фотовыставку, опубликовал 25 статей в прессе; в целом же, его вклад в культуру и искусство исчисляется сотнями реализованных замыслов.
Viktor Pinchuk added to what was said: "One of my many many projects is a targeted trip to Afghanistan, the “waybill” of which was improvisedly supplemented by several Asian countries. Two months of wandering allowed me to collect extensive material, study the traditions and customs of the peoples of Asia, which I later used in my work. And a short stay in a Kabul prison, like a pinch of spice for oriental pilaf, added an element of extreme to the trip." ((ru))Russian language: Один из многочисленных авторских проектов — целевая поездка в Афганистан, «путевой лист» которой был импровизированно дополнен несколькими азиатскими странами. Два месяца бродяжничества позволили собрать обширный материал, изучить традиции и обычаи народов Азии, что в дальнейшем было использовано мной в творчестве. А короткое пребывание в кабульской тюрьме, словно щепотка специй для восточного плова, добавило путешествию элемент экстрима.
Audience (photo 1)
Audience (photo 2)
Some of the CDs brought, from left to right:
Âşık Veysel "Series of Anatolian poets" (Turkey)
Mohammad Mousavi «Payam-e-eshgh» (Iran)
Mouhammad Kheyri "Concert in Latakia" (Syria)
Nazia Iqbal "Pashtun songs" (Afghanistan/Pakistan) -
Group photo
Cover of the presented book
Philophonist ID card
Map of the route traveled
Letter of recommendation
Photos and videos from the trip
Beverage seller (Damascus, Syria)
Vegetable market (Amman, Jordan)
Checkered World (Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan
Район Koht-e Sangi (Kabul, Afghanistan)
Sight (Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan)
Darul Aman Palace (Kabul, Afghanistan)
At a street eatery (Mazar-i-Sharif)
Mehmunsaray (Bamiyan)
In Afghan village (Mazar-i-Sharif region)
Flatbread, manufacturing process (Kabul, Afghanistan)
Related news
- "Viktor Pinchuk presents exhibition Afghanistan, 2008 in Simferopol, Crimea" — Wikinews, February 6, 2023
Sister links
This is a complete or partial translation of the article "Афганская экспедиция Виктора Пинчука, — встреча с путешественником прошла в Верхоречье", from the Russian language Wikinews. |
This is a complete or partial translation of the article "Афганская экспедиция Виктора Пинчука, — встреча с путешественником прошла в Верхоречье", from the Russian language Wikinews. |
- "Встреча с российским путешественником Виктором Пинчуком - Бахчисарай" — АФИША КРЫМА, (Russian)
- АФГАНСКАЯ ЭКСПЕДИЦИЯ, ИТОГИ <broken link> [archived version] — Nethouse, (Russian)
- "АФГАНСКАЯ ЭКСПЕДИЦИЯ ВИКТОРА ПИНЧУКА, встреча по итогам" — Dzen, (Russian)
- "Российский путешественник Виктор Пинчук посетит Верхоречье" — TimePad, (Russian)