Russian photographer Viktor Pinchuk presents nude album NUances of fantasy

Thursday, March 30, 2023

On Monday, Russian Wikinews attended Russian photo artist Viktor Pinchuk's presentation of his album NUances of fantasy, in the nude genre, at the Crimean Federal University's Scientific Library in Simferopol.

Pinchuk noted: "It took more than ten years to prepare and select material. Collages, processed by graphic editors, turned into picturesque paintings. Just as the pitch-blackness of night dissolves into the violet dawn and is gradually saturated by the bright orange colors of day, the theme of the album seamlessly transitions from surrealism to reality with a touch of romanticism and a philosophical view of life."

At the conclusion of the event, Pinchuk signed a copy of NUances of Fantasy he gifted the library.

A sampling of works from the album:


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.