Russian photographer Viktor Pinchuk presents exhibition The Architectural Art of the Vanished Civilizations of Mesoamerica

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Entrance to the museum.
Image: Viktor Pinchuk.

On November 4, Russian Wikinews attended Russian photographer Viktor Pinchuk's exhibition The Architectural Art of the Vanished Civilizations of Mesoamerica ((ru))Russian language: ‍Архитектурное Искуство Исчезнувших Цивилизаций Мезоамерики at the Central Museum of Taurida, in Simferopol, Crimea.

Held during the Night of the Arts Russian annual cultural event, the event was organized by a local Russian Historical Society chapter. Museum equipment displayed the works from a screen.

The event began with a speech made by a representative of the Central Museum of Taurida, Elena Borisovna Vishnevskaya: "Having virtually walked, together with the author of the photographic works, part of the route of the solo Latin American expedition carried out by him, we for some time will feel ourselves travelers, imbued with the atmosphere of distant wanderings, and sense the spirit of antiquity, as if we found ourselves there, among them, distant and incomprehensible to us, talented in architecture, cruel in sacrifices, wise and warlike — Mayans, Aztecs and Mixtecs." ((ru))Russian language: ‍Виртуально пройдя, вместе с автором фо̀торабо́т, часть маршру́та осуществлённой им одиночной латиноамериканской экспеди́ции, мы на како́е-то время почу́вствуем себя́ путеше́ственниками, прони́кнемся атмосфе́рой да́льних стра́нствий, и ощути́м дух дре́вности, бу́дто оказа́вшись там, среди́ них, далёких и непоня́тных нам, тала́нтливых в архитекту́ре, жесто́ких в жертвоприношениях, му́дрых и вои́нственных — майя, ацте́ков и миште́ков.

Then the creator of the photo collection spoke: "The multifaceted author's project, the cornerstone of which was the Latin American expedition — the longest in time and the longest by route — bore fruits: a book popularizing travels around the globe was published, more than twenty articles were written for the Russian-language section of Wikipedia, a virtual photo exhibition was conducted about the ancient architecture of Indian tribes." ((ru))Russian language: ‍Многогра́нный а́вторский прое́кт, краеуго́льным ка́мнем кото́рого была́ латиноамерика́нская экспеди́ция — са́мая дли́тельная по вре́мени и протяжённая по маршру́ту — принёс плоды́: ѝздана кни́га популяризующая путеше́ствия по земно́му ша́ру, напи́сано бо́лее двадцати́ стате́й для русскоязы́чного разде́ла Википе́дии, проведена́ виртуа́льная фотовыставка о дре́вней архитекту́ре инде́йских племён.


This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.