Russia assumes leadership of G8 for 2006
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Russia became chair of the "Group of Eight" (G8) on 1 January. It took the chair from Great Britain. The G8 summit will take place in July in St. Petersburg.
Russia joined the club of the highest developed countries in the world in 1997. Before, the "Group of Eight" had been the "Group of Seven", the members being the U.S.A., Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, and Italy.
As the chair country, Russia is planning to discuss the following issues among the G8-countries:
- securing of energy
- struggle against epidemics (AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis)
- struggle against terrorism
- avoidance of spreading of weapons of mass destruction
- regional conflicts
- promotion of development of third world countries
- collaboration in environmental protection
In 2007, the chair of the "Group of Eight" will be passed to Germany.
- "Название - Россия впервые становится у руля G-8" — Би-Би-Си, 1 January, 2006
This is a translation of the Russian article "Россия — председатель «Большой восьмёрки»" from the Russian wikinews, see [1].