Romanian defense minister to visit Bulgaria

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Romania joined NATO in 2004

The Romanian defence minister Teodor Atanasiu will start a two-day tour of Bulgaria today by visiting the country's main air-force base at Graf Ignatievo. Atanasiu will meet with Bulgarian prime minister Simeon Saxe-Coburg Gotha and defence minister Nikolay Svinarov. The theme of the visit is the deepening of bilaterial military co-operation between the two neighbouring countries.

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Bulgaria joined NATO in 2004

Romania and Bulgaria both joined NATO in 2004. They are also expected to host US military bases in the near future as the USA wishes to move its European troops from Germany into Southeastern Europe. The deepening of military ties between the countries is expected to increase their strategic military position in the world. Both Romania and Bulgaria were major participants in the US-led invasion of Iraq and the resulting peacekeeping efforts. Romania currently supplies one of the world's largest contingents of troops in Iraq, with nearly 1000 people.

