RepuTex announces Australia and New Zealand's most socially responsible corporations

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Wednesday, December 7, 2005

RepuTex Logo

RepuTex has announced this month a list of the most socially responsible companies in Australia and New Zealand. RepuTex, according to its website, is "an alternative to existing ethical investment methodologies which rely primarily on negative screening systems." The list covers 66 organisations. RepuTex services large to small organisations which want their situation assessed. The organisations are assessed across four sectors; Corporate Governance, Environmental Impact, Workplace Practices and Social Impact, producing a final result. This year, the Westpac Banking Corporation gained the only AAA rating followed by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited and Australian Postal Corporation with AA ratings.

Global CEO of RepuTex, Ms Laurel Grossman said “more companies are recognising the value of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and the vital role it plays in managing mainstream financial risk,” adding “this year 66 companies across Australia and New Zealand were rated in the A range (-A to AAA), up from 58 companies last year."

