Nigerian kidnappers release 8 oil workers

Sunday, June 4, 2006 Eight oil workers who were kidnapped from a Bulford Dolphin oil platform off the coast of Nigeria on Friday have been freed. One American, one Canadian and six Britons were among those freed and were "in good health." The Movement for the Emancipation for the Niger Delta was thought to have been behind the crime, but deny any involvement or connection.

"All the hostages have been released. They are with the governor now [and are] looking very fine," said spokesman for the state of Bayelsa in southern Nigeria, Ekiyor Welson.

Earlier reports stated that all 8 hostages were freed, but spokespeople for the Nigerian Police later withdrew that statement and said that only 2 had been freed and talk lead to the rest of the hostages being freed. The companies that the former hostages work for have denied paying for their freedom.

Those responsible for the kidnappings are not yet known and officials have not released the names of any of the hostages.
