Wikinews:Briefs/September 2, 2005

Audio Wikinews transcript – 2005 09 02 – 1100 UTC

The time is 1100 hours (UTC) on Friday 2nd September 2005, and this is Audio Wikinews: News Briefs.

Widespread looting blamed for disrupted rescue efforts in New Orleans, Louisiana
The Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, has ordered most of the local police force to stop rescue efforts and shift their efforts to prevent looting. At the same time, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has reportedly been blocking aid shipments into the city on the grounds that it is too dangerous.

Food, nappies (or diapers), and other supplies are the target of most looters. Some are reportedly taking non-essential and luxury items, such as TVs and computers. Reportedly, gun and pawn shops are also a popular target for looting.

Al-Qaida claims responsibility for London 7/7 bombings
Al Jazeera aired two video tapes by Al Qaeda on Thursday evening. In one of them, the terror group's second in command Ayman al-Zawahiri has claimed responsibility for the July 7 London bombings and threatened further attacks. The alleged leader of the London bombers, Mohammad Sidique Khan, appeared on a separate recording and outlined his reasons for the bombings.

Speaking in English with a Yorkshire accent, Khan stated that the Blair government is to blame for the attacks. He said: "Until you stop the bombing, gassing, imprisonment and torture of my people we will not stop this fight."

Guantanamo prisoners stage hunger strike
A number of prisoners at the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay have staged a hunger strike in protest of their detainment. The prisoners, many of whom have been held since the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001, are angered at the United States' refusal to charge them with any crimes, and denying the prisoners legal access.

A previous hunger strike was halted in July when Pentagon officials reached a compromise with the prisoners. The compromise included provisions to bring the prison in line with the terms of the Geneva Convention. The prisoners have since accused the government of not following through on this deal.

Closing Comments

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