Wikinews:Briefs/August 3, 2006

The time is 18:00 (UTC) on August 3rd, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.

Headlines edit

"No H5N1 virus" found in blood tests of suspected human Bird Flu cluster edit


Preliminary tests performed on samples taken from six villagers in the Kabanjahe District of Sumatra in Indonesia have tested negative for the deadly H5N1 Avian Flu virus.

"Big Box" Ordinance in Chicago edit

United States

The Chicago city council has passed an ordinance requiring retailers such as Target, Home Depot, and others to pay a higher wage than the state minimum and offer benefits to their employees within Chicago city limits.

Citywide strike being discussed in Buffalo, N.Y. edit

The Buffalo News is reporting that leaders of unions representing city employees in Buffalo, New York, met on Wednesday to discuss a possible 'citywide strike.' If the unions decided on a strike, firefighters, police officers, teachers and many other city employees would not show up for work.

New Zealand policeman charged with drunk driving edit

New Zealand

A New Zealand policeman has been charged with drunk driving in Taranaki after responding to a double fatality emergency call on July 9, his day off.

Closing statements edit

We invite you to visit for up-to-date news and information. This has been Audio Wikinews Newsbriefs. Thank you for listening, and enjoy the rest of your day. This recording has been released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.