New professional Open documentary project

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Friday, March 7, 2008

The nonviolent leader Rajagopal in the camera.
New Delhi's struggle facing the medias.

Recently the professional filmmaker association Loin de l'Œil started to produce a set of three documentaries (90~120mn) about nonviolent movements in India. From the 70's, to the largest nonviolent struggle (after Gandhi's one) that happened in October 2007, and called Janadesh.

This content is dedicated to be liberated via a special website, experimenting for the first time the "funding and licensing" model to release under Creative Commons licenses:

"The idea is that the more people donate to the project, the more freedom the movies achieve, moving along a scale with the CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 and the CC BY-SA 3.0 licences at the two extremes. Look at this freedom gauge to track the progress of donations." Daniela Faris, iCommons, Webmaster.

The project name "then you win" comes from the famous quote:

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.", Mahatma Gandhi.

The budget could be reduced about 30-40% by using exclusively free software, collaborative work, and bypassing numerous middlemen. Audience is still low because of the project's youth but getting more and more interest from the free culture community, the most significant support came from Lawrence Lessig who became the first online donor.


Wikiquote has a collection of quotations by or about:

Mahatma Gandhi
