Muslims in Gujarat hold anti-Pakistan rally

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Muslim community members in Ahmedabad, India demonstrated against the alleged involvement of Pakistan in Friday's blasts in Malegaon that killed 38 people and injured hundreds, most of them Muslims. The protestors came out onto the streets, shouting anti-Pakistan slogans and condemning the blasts, which, they say, were orchestrated by the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence to create a rift between Hindus and the minority community. Rauf Bengali, one of the protestors, also pointed out the fact that Hindu temples (most recently the one in Varanasi) were also targeted to cause a communal divide in Indian society. "We urge the Hindus and Muslims to stand united against such terrorist activities, directed to create communal tensions between the two communities," he added.

Indian security agencies have, in the past, found evidence that suggests the involvement of the ISI in anti-India activities such as providing shelter to militants and backing strikes in Indian cities. The situation was tense in Malegaon yesterday, but has since calmed down with no incidents of Hindu-Muslim violence being reported.


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