Note: After saving, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold down Shift while clicking Reload, or press Ctrl-Shift-R (Cmd-Shift-R on Apple Mac); IE: hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5; Konqueror: simply click the Reload button, or press F5; Opera users may need to completely clear their cache in Tools→Preferences. — More skins

/*this depends on js*/
#p-logo {background: url(// no-repeat center center; height:135px;display:block;position:relative;z-index:200}
/*absolute url so it works on secure server
redirects to appropriate place on upload server*/

/* float in the title bar (Ex little FA icons in top-right corner) */
/*! important is to overide legacy monobook stuff */
.float_in_title { position: absolute; z-index: 100; right: 20px; top: 70px  !important;}