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try { // containerize gadget, to protect other gadgets if this one goes wrong

//Stolen from at 02:09, 14 May 2010 (UTC) . Script by [[w:user:TheDJ]]

/* Script to rewrite external links to Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia projects) to
 * use the secure server when already browsing from, so
 * that links to diffs, etc., don't take you off the site. */

$( alwayssecurelinks)

function alwayssecurelinks() {
        if( window.disableSecureLinks===true || location.protocol === 'http:') return;
	var re1 = /^http:\/\/(?:([a-z0-9\.\\-]+)\.)?(wik(?:i[mp]edia|tionary|isource|iquote|ibooks|inews|iversity|imediafoundation)|mediawiki)\.org(\/[^?#]*)([#?].*|)$/i;
	var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
	for (var i = links.length; i--;) {
		var link = links[i], href = link.href;
		var m, main, sub, page, query;
		if (m = href.match(re1)) {
			main = m[2].toLowerCase();
			sub = m[1];
			page = m[3];
			query = m[4];
			if( main === 'mediawiki' ) {sub = main; main = 'wikipedia';}
			if( main === 'wikimediafoundation' ) {sub = 'foundation'; main = 'wikipedia';}
			if( main === 'wikisource' && !sub ) {main = 'wikipedia'; sub = 'sources';}

			if (sub === undefined) continue;
			sub = sub.toLowerCase();

			if (main === 'wikipedia') {
				if (sub.match(/^(download|mobile|.*?\.mobile|.*?\.m)$/)) {
			} else if (main === 'wikimedia') {
				if (sub.match(/^(lists|upload|download|bugzilla|techblog|wikitech|svn|stats|volunteer|ticket|survey|dumps|etherpad|.*?planet|.*?donate)$/)) {
				if (!sub.match(/^(?:.{1,3}|.{1,3}?\..{1,3}|(?:.+?)\.labs)$/)) { // labs, regional wikimedias
					main = 'wikipedia'; // commons, meta, species, wikimania200x, many others
			if (sub === 'www' || sub === 'mail') continue;

			sub = sub.replace(/\./g, '-');
		} else continue;
		if( !page || page == '/' ) page = '/wiki/'
		//link.href =  mw.config.get('wgServer') + '/' + main + '/' + sub + page + query;
                link.href = link.href.replace( /^http:\/\//, "https://" );

} catch (e) { // containerize gadget, to protect other gadgets if this one goes wrong
  // ignore