Leaked poll finds 45% of Iraqis support suicide bombers who attack allied forces
Sunday, October 23, 2005

A poll conducted by an Iraqi university research team on behalf of the British government and reported by British newspapers showed that 45% of Iraqis support suicide bombers who attack coalition troops in Iraq. In some areas this rises to 65%.
Other results of the poll include:
- 82% of Iraqis are "strongly opposed" to the presence of coalition troops
- Less than 1% of the population feel that coalition troops have brought any improvement in the country
- 67% feel less secure because of the occupation
Many Iraqis resent the damage that has been done to their country by the invading forces. Many believe their country has seen a decrease in standard of living, in freedom of movement and in safety and security. Many Iraqis hope that if the coalition forces can be encouraged to leave, the country can return to normal.
The survey contrasts with statements made by UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that there was widespread support for the invasion of Iraq, and that the occupying powers were improving human rights in the country.
UK politician Sir Menzies Campbell said "Such findings are yet another argument in favour of a comprehensive exit strategy". It is not clear what would happen to the many US companies operating in Iraq if the coalition troops were forced out. It seems unlikely that they would retain hold of oil production assets or keep a major role in construction projects, and it is not clear that the US would have benefitted in any way from its incursion into the country.
The poll was "undertaken for the Ministry of Defence and seen by The Sunday Telegraph" in the United Kingdom.
edit- "Secret MoD poll: Iraqis support attacks on British troops" — Telegraph Newspaper, October 23, 2005
- "Iraqis 'back attacks on troops'" — BBC News, October 23, 2005
- "Iraqi poll shock hits US, UK" — news24.com, October 23, 2005
- "Iraq poll calls for troops pull-out" — The Scotsman Newspaper, October 23, 2005