Internet posting says al-Qaeda plans dirty bomb attack in New York City
Saturday, August 11, 2007

A posting on the internet has stated that al-Qaeda is planning a dirty bomb attack on New York City, New York (NYC) in the United States.
In a statement to the press, NYC police stated that the posting was an "unverified radiological threat" against New York City. Police also stated that the city's threat level will remain at "orange" and will not be changed. NYC police have also stepped up security at bridges, tunnels and subways as a precaution. or DEBKAfile, an Israeli website, was claiming the that they picked up the threat by "a rush of electronic chatter on al Qaeda sites Thursday, Aug. 8." DEBKA also claims that one of the threats states that "trucks loaded with radio-active material [will be used] against America’s biggest city and financial nerve center."
The site also claims that other cities such as Miami, Florida and Los Angeles, California as targets for dirty bomb attacks.
No date or time has been reported for the attack. On August 2, a terrorist advertisement posted on the internet by the As-Sahab propaganda campaign for al-Qaeda, warned of a coming "big surprise." No date was specified for that claim either.
Related news
- "Al-Qaeda terror ad warns of 'big surprise'" — Wikinews, August 2, 2007
- Mark Egan and Christine Kearney. "NY hikes security on dirty bomb Internet chatter" — Reuters, August 11, 2007
- "New Al Qaeda threat of radioactive truck attacks naming New York, Los Angeles, Miami" —, August 10, 2007